Practice Nurses/Health Care Assistants
We have a team of highly trained Practice Nurses including a Nurse Practitioner, Specialist Clinical Disease Management Nurses, Treatment Room Nurse and Health Care Assistants, who can give help and advice on a variety of problems. All our Nurses are trained to run clinics for specific treatments. You can make an appointment to see the Practice Nurses or Health Care Assistant without seeing your Doctor first for the following services:
Our Practice Nurses:
Take Blood Samples- Family Planning
- Give Injections
- Test Urine, eg. diabetes
- Monitor diabetic, asthmatic and hypersensitive patients together with providing clinics for patients with chronic bronchitis and heart disease
Our Health Care Assistants:
- Blood Pressure Checks
- Take Blood Samples
- New Patient Checks
- Test Urine Samples
- ECGs
- Give Influenza Injections